Organizing With Kids In Mind

If you have kids, have you organized your kitchen with them in mind?  I’m not just talking about putting the knives out of reach, but putting the things the kids use WITHIN reach!

1. Put kids’ utensils, plates, and cups in a low drawer.  Then, when it’s time for dinner, make THEM be the ones to get them out and set the table!

2. Put other things kids use, like homework and art supplies, near the work surface they’ll use them on.


I have my kids’ art supplies in the dining room hutch.  After all, they do all their artwork at the table and it makes cleanup before dinner a breeze to have the art supplies right next to the table!

Here’s another beautiful example!


I hope that this website is beginning to inspire you to find creative ways to organize your life. It’s not just about making your home look good, but about making your life a little less chaotic and more peaceful!