How to make a Jewelry Display Board

I’m finally on a roll with getting some things re-organized here.  As the kids grow up I find myself constantly going through clothes.  I now have a big box of old but nice clothes to send to my cousins and that feels so good!

One of the things I have been meaning to do is make a jewelry display for some of my costume type jewelry.  I finally did that today after finding a frame in my closet that also needed to be put to use or donated.

I had been saving a swatch of fabric as well that I had intended to make into throw pillows for our master bed, but I am not really the type for tons of pillows on the bed so the fabric was put to much better use this way!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Get an empty frame the size you want for your jewelry board. Mine was from Wal-Mart and I used to have a collage of pictures in it!  Make sure you have either some extra cardboard or some thin cork board and cut to fit inside the frame.  Mine already had some cardboard that came with the frame as a back to hold the glass in place.

2.  Find some fabric you’d like to use and iron it.

3.  Fold the fabric over the cardboard and slide into the frame, making sure that it is a nice fit.

4.  Use push pins to hang all your jewelry and enjoy!!

Now… I’m off to tackle my closet and all the gift wrap!

Please tell me what YOU think here!!